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Image analysis tool used for tracking localized growth of hypocotyls using high-throughput cloud computing. This program uses a variety of machine learning algorithms to identify a hypocotyl, extract the growth region, form a midline, then quantify the elemental growth rate in which cellular elongation occurs at many locations along that midline.


Used BFG to remove all objects > 500K in size [07-09-2019]

Summary [re-iterate above description and expand on use, novelty, and similar software]

A) What is this program for?
Learning algorithms: predict contour, predict ending of midline
Image analysis: select points along seedling
Quantification: Localized measurements of midline, model growth of growing seedlings
Miscellaneous features: late-decision segmentation for error checking, ease of loading data
Output Data: models full developmental process of a growing, de-etiolating hypocotyl

B) How does this program work?
User stores time-lapse image stacks of a single type in individual folders
A full experiment is a set of individual image stacks in a parent folder
Multiple experiments can be loaded as well

C) Instructions for using HypoQuantyl can be found in
- Sample data can be found in Sample Data

Getting Started



Version Information

02/05/2018 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.1 [ date created ] 02/06/2018 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.1 [ name chosen ] 02/22/2018 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.3 [ class structure finalized ] 05/24/2018 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.4 [ midpoint-normalization method ] 08/02/2018 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.5 [ routes method –> curves method ] 12/05/2018 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.6 [ optimized image read/write ] 02/18/2019 - HypoQuantyl Version 0.7 [ learning-based segmentation framework ]


Main Author

Julian Bustamante, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program (
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Department of Botany

Contributing Author

Nathan Miller, Senior Scientist (
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Department of Botany


MIT license found in LICENSE



Class Structure and Main Functions

Main Classes

| Class | Description | | — | — | | HypoQuantyl | Initializes program and loads Experiment folders | | Experiment | Loads folders containing multiple image stacks | | Genotype | Loads image stacks containing growing seedlings | | Seedling | Represents a single seedling throughout a time-lapse | | Hypocotyl | Represents the hypocotyl portion of a single seedlings | | CircuitJB | Main contour of a hypocotyl, segmented by anchor points | | Route | Individual segments around a hypocotyl’s contour |


| Algorithm | Description | | — | — | | FindHypocotyl | Identifies region on a seedling containing the hypocotyl | | TrackHypocotyl | Keeps track of hypocotyl during de-etiolation process | | FindGoodFrames | Runs error-checking of each frame for each Seedling | | IntegrationAlgorithm | Integration method for measuring growing Hypocotyl |

Implementing to Cyber Infrastructure

| Infrastructure | Description | | — | — | | Create accounts | University Network, CyVerse, HTCondor | | Set up submit files | Holds MATLAB MCR, HypoQuantyl, Data, I-Commands | | Run Test Data | Run HypoQuantyl on Sample data on cloud computing environment |